Sunday, June 07, 2009

Not Me Monday!

I have to tell you that it is so not me that joins in on Memes during the week because I so cannot comment from work, and it would so not be me that reads blogs and comments from work anyway! (When I so do not get fired for this, you all will so not help me learn how to do giveaways from home to make some extra money right????)

This is so not only my second Not Me Monday post! I so do not think about what I did not do this week that I start creating this not me post on Tuesday of every week! (And then so do not post it anyway.)

This very Sunday I so did not think I had enough cheese to make grilled cheese sandwiches and then look in the fridge and so not see that I had no cheese at all! I so then did so not tell my kids to get their shoes on because we were so not going to McDonalds (or Old Mcdonalds) to get lunch. Nope that is so not me! I also so do not let my 5 year old think that the name is Old McDonalds because it is way to cute to correct!

I also so did not just click on "follow this blog" on yet Another Blogger's page, because I liked her quotes this Sunday! I did not break my rule that I simply CANNOT follow another blog and keep up with my reader! Nope, that is so not me!
I am also so not following 147 blogs in my Google Reader, nope I would never let it get that out of control, nope, not me!
I so do not stay up very late at night trying to get my Google Reader down to zero, nope that is so not me. My about me page so does not say to leave me a comment because I probably follow you anyway (because I so do not).

The very last thing I so almost forgot to tell you is that I so did not take a pledge today to not yell at my kids! I so would not forget to tell you that! You so cannot read about the very same pledge here: MOMformation I also so do not love this blogger even though I have so never left her a comment because I am shy! (I will so try to leave her a comment this week!)

Want so spend a day or a week So Not Doing things? Just click on the cute picture below:

I also so do not need to get me a real signature!

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