Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm Tired of...

One week ago tonight we had a fire at my work. While nothing about a fire is positive the good news is that no one was hurt, everyone got out of the building without any problems, and we did not lose our entire fleet of buses. Yes, buses. I work at a bus garage, a transit agency if you will. The fire broke out in the engine of one bus and caught the one behind it on fire. Since this was at about 5:30 at night staff on the premises was minimal and buses in the garage few. We were very lucky. Here is a link to our local newspaper's story (picture of 1 bus included). 2 city buses destroyed in fire

I do not want to post a direct picture of this because I can't deal with looking at it every time I load my blog.

I am tired...
  1. I am tired of looking at pictures of the aftermath of this fire

  2. I am so tired of the smell from this fire.

  3. I am tired of the fact that I was the only one that could help the fire restoration company do a complete inventory of all of the items in the garage at the time of this fire.

  4. I am tired of the smell from this fire.

  5. I am tired of black walls, black floors, black ceilings and black footprints.

  6. I am tired of there being up to 15 strangers in our office at any given time looking for people I can't find and answers I don't have.

  7. I am tired of talking about this fire.

  8. Did I mention I am tired of the smell from this fire?

Thank you for listening to my vent. I do realize how lucky we were that no one was hurt and that the damage was not worse that it was. But as you can see, it has been a long week and well, I am tired.



Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

I am sorry it has been a cruddy week for you. Happy to listen to you vent. :) Anytime!

Banteringblonde said...

I can totally understand the smell that you are tired of. The smell gets into everything doesn't it. I'm so sorry and I hope that you can find some time to yourself this weekend!

Nina said...

That is so good no one got hurt. I am sure you are sick of the fire and the aftermath of it all. Just think it is the weekend and time to take a break from it all.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I am so glad you weren't hurt! I have a huge fear of fire. I hope you can find some peace and relaxation over the weekend:)

Felicia said...

I am so glad everyone is ok!!! I know it must be difficult being the only go to person! I hope you can get some rest!

Fire Restoration said...

Thank you for your article. Fire can be so dangerous. I'm glad nobody got hurt.

Fire Restoration said...

Very lucky that only 2 buses got fire. Else the situation would have been bad

Fire Restoration said...

I had read the news in greeley tribune, fortunate its only 2 public buses.