Don’t stop blogging, because if you do…you stop taking as many pictures!
Our first day of Kindergarten came in late August…. We are now Angry Birds fans. I told my friend Andy that I did not want to download the app, I just knew I would be addicted! Guess what??? I am.
The Cutie Bug LOVES Kindergarten by the way. He scares me, his math is better than his 2nd grade sister’s is.
I have decided that since our school district has taken implemented 4 furlough days this year without an explanation as to when the children actually make up the missed days of school for their education (run on sentence, sorry), that I will be adding homeschool doses to my kids education as I can on Saturdays and during the summer. If I come up with anything exciting I will share it with you.
Little known fact for the day year. I have a teaching degree, but did not choose to use it as my career.
Had enough general rambling yet?? I have.
Just a note in case anyone is actually reading…. I spend way too much time on twitter now, so if you are actually looking for me you can find me here: @coloradomommy